
Saturday 26 October 2013



Dedicated and smart women, most times, fail to recognise their smartness. They often think to themselves that they're not ready to take on that next bigger task. They focus too much on what they are not qualified for than of what they are, and wait for somebody to discover or even validate them. But now, it’s time to step up and act as the smart woman that you are. These 10 tips for owning your smartness and bringing it to the world will help out:

1 You need to make an agreement: Nobody aside from you is going to shape the life you want for yourself. Nobody will even be able to wholly appreciate the life you want. No doubt, people will come and praise you on along the way, but know that it’s your life. You need to decide to be in it by yourself for the long haul, and be your very own supportive pal at every step of the way.

2 Start envisioning it: Ask yourself, what is the career that appears so unconceivable you think it’s very nearly unlawful to have it? Ask yourself what that dream is that you don’t let yourself even contemplate because it appears too impracticable, frivolous, or crazy? Envisioning it is the beginning of having it.

3 Things that can make you pulsate quickly: To get the adrenalin flowing in you, start doing things that will make you pulsate quickly. Find out what your gasp-level action is. What will chatter in your head are your uncertainties and a harsh innermost faultfinder. That’s fine and okay. When next you hear that monotonous, unfounded, unpleasant innermost faultfinder, think of it as just an awful deceiver, trying to keep you from any real or seeming possibilities. Try things that can make you pulsate quickly and you’ll see how untrue your innermost faultfinder’s story actually is, and how soluble your uncertainties are.

4 Get used to wins and losses: Sometimes you will get thumbs up if you take risks, and sometimes you won’t. There’s no leader or innovator who does not have passionate admirers and harsh criticisers. So get used to wins, losses, praise, pans, and being snubbed. Let go of craving to be liked and wanting to be generally identified as “Ms Nice Girl.”

5 Be a little more arrogant: Just try and be a little more arrogant even if it’s tough for you to do. Be more like those guys in the office who share their thoughts and rally everyone around their big, often unformed ideas without thinking. Move a few steps in that direction and you’ll be better off.

6 Don’t wait for an award: Don’t expect praises, anointments, validations or permission to lead from someone before you make that move. Don’t await invitation from anyone before sharing your voice. No one will discover you like that except after you have started bravely and unswervingly moving towards leadership, sharing your voice, and doing things that ordinarily scare the hell out of you.

7 Sieve the advice you get. Often, smart women are modest and open to advice and like to get opinions. But know that some people cannot comprehend what you are up to mostly because you are saying something new and advance. Some will find you out of their league; others will feel threatened, while the rest people will want to do just what is interesting or beneficial to them from your idea. Consequently, you should read between the lines of people’s opinions. Assess advice and weigh the fallouts, don’t just following it.

8 Stop, recover and restore: If you’ve done the things that make you pulsate quickly, doing what you don’t to a certain extent feel ready to do, and being more arrogant, you would have moved out of your comfort zone a great deal. So now be cautious and check how much risk-taking juice you have left. If it’s running low, you need to stop, recover and then restore.

9 Tell fellow women how smart they are: Mention to other women the kind of Smartness you see in them and why it’s so exceptional. Invite them into grander leadership and exploit. Make them believe that they are all set. Don’t think that because you had to struggle and suffer on your way up the ladder, they should too. Clear a path by being able to walk in it confidently.

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